
Starting Child Care: Tips for Your Baby

Baby at Daycare

Your little bundle of joy is about to head to their first day of child care, a time that can be both exciting and terrifying for parents. There are certain ways that your infant likes to take their bottle or have their diaper changed and you may be concerned that caregivers won’t know these details. Here are some tips to make your first days at our care facility smooth for everyone.

Before the First Day

Meet with your child’s new teacher before the first day. Make a list of your baby’s likes and dislikes so the new teacher will know how to comfort and distract him or her. Bring a couple of small items that your child is comfortable with, so they will see their special blanket or favorite toy around them as they come into their new classroom for the first time. Pre-pack your diaper bag with specific formula or milk and diapers that your child will need for the week, as well as several changes of clothes “just in case”. Be sure to label everything with your child’s name.

The First Day

Be sure teachers fully understand any special needs and consider making a list for above your child’s crib with details that will help caregivers get to know your little love. You might want to get up extra early, so you and your child don’t feel rushed or anxious. Allow plenty of time for your child to become acclimated to the room and the teachers before leaving. Be sure to have a positive attitude and try not let them see you upset. Once you are comfortable with leaving, do it swiftly. Lingering can sometimes prolong the anxiety.

After the First Day

Keep in mind that your child may need some time to adjust to a new schedule and caregivers. This could mean disrupted feeding or napping schedules. Be sure to share feedback with your caregiver on an ongoing basis to maintain communication and help your little one settle into a routine that works best for everyone.

Fortunately, at Creative Corner Child Care, our caregivers are focused on ensuring that our tiniest clients receive all the care and love that they need — and that parents have the information they need to feel confident that their child is in good hands. Let us show you around our learning center. Fill out our contact form today to schedule a site visit.