
Starting Child Care: Tips for Your Toddler

Toddler Playing at Child Care

Toddlers are persnickety little people, they want what they want — and they want it now! Your child is likely old enough to make their wishes known loud and clear, and if they may not appreciate any sort of changes, even if they turn out to be fun. Woe is the parent who disturbs their schedule, which makes it especially important to be well prepared prior to making big changes during these years.

Parents preparing to release their tiny loved one into the care of others for the first time can have a lot of questions. While you know in your heart that you’ve made a good decision with your child care provider, it doesn’t stop the butterflies from coming on day one. Here are some tips from childcare professionals that will help you all get through this new experience with minimal stress.

Before the First Day

If your child is old enough to understand, start early with explaining that they’ll be spending time with new caregivers during the day. It can help to take older children to meet their new friends during playtime, so they can see how much they’ll enjoy being with others (and hopefully forget that Mom or Dad is leaving them there!). Even babies are better able to accept change when they’ve had time to get used to something new.

On the First Day

No matter how emotional it makes you to leave your little darling for the day, it’s best to keep a smile on your face and stay positive for your tot. Get organized the night before so you’re able to take your time and stay for a few minutes after arrival to help your little one gets used to their new environment.

After the First Day

It’s likely that your child will take a few days to become accustomed to their new nap schedule, so don’t give up if they come home a bit fussy and needy. Staying on a routine helps children feel comfortable. Your caregivers are likely to have a wealth of information that will help you through the first few days, too. Ask your child about their day and express how excited and proud you are of them.

At Creative Corner Child Care, our friendly toddler care program will set your child on the ideal path for development in a safe and loving environment! Contact us today to schedule a tour or learn more by filling out our easy online form.